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The beach, a personal heritage

The sea has a special energy that inevitably wraps us. Songs, movies, books ... Of course it is a source of inspiration with the duality of evoking past experiences and future dreams. Symbol of instability along with constancy. Looking at the sea connects us with our essence. The waves are formed with the same water from the seas again and again, while changing with new patterns, as people happen to us: we are always the same in essence, although the small details are defining our trajectory and desires.

The sea, life, everything in constant change and movement. Maybe that is the key that makes us year after year Back to autumn with new illusions and hopes.

Not everyone likes the beach, there are who is more mountain, but not only on the beach connects to the sea. A walk through the port, a route by car with the sea in the background ... There are many ways to enjoy the gift it supposes for our senses.

In Spain we are lucky to have a peculiar place, where the sea plays a role at least curious: Gulpiyuri beach in Asturias, between Llanes and Ribasella. It is the smallest beach in the world. When the tide rises, it is completely covered with water, and when it comes down, the sea disappears visually leaving a small rocky place. So then say it doesn't rain at all!

There are hundreds of perfect places where to make a small picnic, or simply lie in the Beach towels Enjoy the sunset.

Imagine sitting in a beautiful mandala, the best company, your favorite peck, your Beach Pareo, the sea in the background and the sun putting on ... does it feel like it, right? Whatever the destination you choose, do not stop enjoying and bring out your best version.

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