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The art of making the bed

Very recently we talked about the elements that make a hotel bed great, and how we can reproduce these details in our own bedroom. But there is another fundamental part that we are going to deepen today: make our bed.

And it is that the fact of making the bed, something that at first could be tedious and not very grateful, it can end up becoming a habit that leads us to achieve a very positive routine in our day to day. One way to focus and pay some more attention to details, while taking care of each other.

The first of all is not aspiring to achieve a perfect bed. The important thing is that it is pleasant and comfortable in every way, we do not need to leave it as if it were to star in the cover of a magazine. In addition, although we establish a routine as we intend, we will not always have the same time to make the bed. But we are going to use those minutes well to seek balance in our bedroom and enjoy it more.

Another important factor if we seek that our room invites peace, relaxation and rest, is not to mix or have elements that remind us or take us to disorder (dirty clothing, disqualified shoes, cables to load the phone or the laptop…). All these details end up distracting us negatively, so we try not to have them in sight.

Iron the sheets

If the weather allows us, it is worthwhilely ironing the sheets, always paying special attention to the covers of the pillows. You will see how the difference is obvious, but also to the touch! It is a nice feeling. Anyway, if we do not have time to iron the full sheets, we can always iron only the upper part.


And if you have to use comforter so that our bed is more warm, it is very important that it remains fluffy and spongy. To achieve this is not only a matter of choosing with which products we wash it, because it is the same or more important to take the stubbornness of it with force and relocate it every few days. In this way the interior fibers will be well distributed, without agglomerating in a corner or in a concrete part.

Alíte with blankets and bedspreads

And regardless of whether we are using a comforter or not, a blanket will always transmit a welcoming, warm sensation and a greater texture to our bed. On the other hand, it is always interesting to give a decorative or more personal touch by placing a quilt or bouty. One that really fits our personality and what we want to transmit our bedroom as soon as they enter it. In addition, it is great for when we want to lie on the bed, but instead of sleeping, we want to relax, read, listen to music, watch television ...

Fold according to your style and comfort

When folding the corners, we have to be practical. It is our bed and nobody better than we will know better how we are more comfortable. We have to bend the bed based on what is most comfortable and practical, without paying as much attention to how it will look. Moreover, some marriages differ from their tastes, and each one prefers to have their side of the bed in a certain way. No problem!

Choose and order your pillows

Something similar happens with pillows. There are those who prefer from one guy, and there are those who prefer another, or directly two pillows instead of one. If we use smaller and divided pillows, it will be the only way to "rain to everyone's taste." It is also important, so we commented on maintaining order, withdrawing pillows or cushions that we will not always use in a specific place, not on the ground or thrown out there. Do not bother us, and to be as stacked as possible.

Once the habit of making the bed paying attention to details and our tastes, you will see that it is worth it.

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