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Don Cotton: The usual brand

Today we want to do a small exercise with you. Close your eyes and imagine that you are giving an old photo album, and that you find a photo that moves you especially. Surely it is of a difficult situation to replicate, mainly because people or objects are no longer in your present. Can you imagine being able to extract from that photo that feeling you lived and feel it again?

All at some point in our lives have lived a situation that we remember with love and longing.

Think in those moments of happy reunion with the past, such as when you return to your grandmother's house to eat their wonderful croquettes, the visit to the town where you spent the summers of your childhood, see your old friends and colleagues from school again, that Box that you open at your parents' house and have your childhood toys ... so many moments that create happy memories, are part of our essence, who we were and who we have become.

The same thing happens to us, that is why we want to share with you that piece of the past, with the improvements of the present and, thanks to you, with a great projection of the future.

Surely the moon has ever promised you. We bring you something much better: we bring you the clouds! Because, would anyone refuse to feel in the clouds?

We are very excited to be able to offer you quality and tradition, combined with elegant, versatile and style designs.

At this point, most of you will know that we talk about Don Cotton, a brand that recently reborn again, which brings us so good memories and with which we have the pleasure of working.

It is time to share as a family, to create new stories that current generations will remember with such love, and we are here to help you get it with an extensive range of products. Although we must sincere ourselves: it is not about selling textiles or selling decoration. What we offer are happy moments with the best shapes, colors and textures. Style, elegance and quality. That is why among our brands we can also offer you Don Cotton.

Grandmothers can repeat colorful ties on the piglets of their granddaughters, as they did with their own daughters. Couples can choose their most special bed games when they live in their first home, and when babies of your friends are born, you can choose between a great assortment to give them and welcome with a touch of nostalgia.

Some of its most emphamatic products would be the set of towels Y Albornoces Zero Twist, the 180 -wire explodes or incorporations of this season as the Kaia Colcha, which contain all the attributes to consider the flagship of the Don Cotton brand.

We are here to generate new illusions and enjoy the best, with the great speed that new technologies offer us right now.

Do you accompany us to take a walk through the clouds?

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