The bathroom is one of the most expensive and complicated stays when making reforms or updates of our entire house (with the permission of the kitchen, of course). That is why we sometimes tend to leave it as it is, without encouraging ourselves to change it, with everything that it entails. But the truth is that it is not necessary to carry out an expensive reform thoroughly to give our bathroom a more spectacular, cozy and luxurious touch. Everything revolves around the details. It is not necessary to change the tiles, nor the bathtub, much less install a modern shower with hydromassage to update our bathroom and give it another touch. There are many other things that we can do without making an important economic disbursement.
In addition, if it turns out that we are living in a rented house, we are surely also interesting us to make great reference or investments in the bathroom (or we may not even have permission to do so).

We can often surprise ourselves with the change that can take a bathroom only renewing our mirror, our towels In view, curtains of the shower or adding some storage drawers. All this, of course, without having to change the sink or the cup, and of course, avoiding having to hire any mason.
We are going to leave you with some very specific and defined ideas. Decorative and very affordable ideas that will allow your bath to reach a superior category easily.
Add a point to sit
A priori this might seem a small detail, worse to add a point where you can support or even sit another air to our bathroom. It doesn't matter if this is large, if it is medium or if it is small. Surely you have a hole to add a small stool.
This should be one of the first points to take into account if we want to raise our bathroom to a higher level. If we have space, it will be great to equip it with a chair or with a small armchair. It is about looking for what type of furniture fits better according to the available space, but also aesthetically in harmony with the tiles and the rest of the decoration, to offer a balanced appearance. We look for comfort and make sure that regardless of the seat we choose, it will be used for many things on a day -to -day basis, such as shaving, cutting our nails ...

Give the importance it deserves to hand soap
There are few details that are as cozy as having in our bathroom a good hand soap. Of pill, of those that both for their appearance and for their aroma, instantly convey the feeling of home and warmth, both in our day to day and in the face of our possible guests. In addition, the possibilities of combining them at the decorative level are practically unlimited.
Renew your bathroom carpet
A bath mat worn out or directly in poor condition, automatically transmits a feeling of carelessness and neglect (the opposite of what we are looking for). We do not have to doubt a moment to update it before reaching that state, making sure that it is a quality bathroom carpet. And it is a fairly economic product that sometimes is not given sufficient importance, despite being essential. A bathmat Not only can you add a touch of comfort to our bathroom, but also of sophistication.
Decorate the walls
This could be the most delicate point on our list. And it is that linear or customize the walls can be a bit expensive, although it also offers its reward. It may not be as simple or as economical as the rest of the steps, but it is not necessary to renew all the walls of the bathroom. We can select a small part or even a corner, achieving the same effect we are looking for: give it another air. The treated role, specialized painting or decorative vinyl (increasingly booming) will become our allies.
The lighting
It seems a lie, but the lighting is often one of the points that we give less importance. We do not refer to having beautiful lamps, but to lighting itself. Because as with any room in the house, a well -lit bath transmits a feeling of breadth and well -being. So beyond trying to make the most of natural light (for which it can be ideal to use a night and day hindrance), we must also pay special attention to artificial light.
Apart from beautiful lamps or mirrors with lighting, it is essential to have another option that illuminates everything necessary.
We hope these tips are helping you and as we will always love to read yours!
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