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5 rituals to worship your mornings

We have already commented before Some simple steps to make the most of our morning routine and start the day with mood and energy. Today we want to deepen even more to the importance of those first moments of the morning, and in some simple “rituals”, if we can call them that, that we can carry out to squeeze everything possible to the beginning of what will be our day to day . Rituals to worship your mornings. Because those first moments are decisive and have the ability to influence us the rest of the day that is yet to come.

It is very possible that the fact that the alarm sounds, ending our deserved nighttime rest, make it difficult to establish that precise moment as the best of the day. But, wouldn't it be wonderful to ensure that those first moments, as soon as they wake up, became our favorite time of the day? It would be incredible to always wake up like this, wishing to start a new day, with the batteries loaded and the mood through the clouds.

To achieve this, the first step is to start enjoying the small details, although they may seem absurd or insignificant. Such as the light of the first rays of the sun. That luminosity so characteristic and at the same time so comforting. Or maybe the smell of fresh coffee. Or maybe the feeling of wrapping us in our bathrobe After a good shower.

Enjoy the simplest things, avoiding as much time as possible the use of technology, to avoid breaking the magic.

Rituals to worship your mornings

Next we will comment on some small rituals to worship your mornings that we can carry out without complications:

Become your own alarm clock

In the background, when we go to bed and reconcile the dream, we always have a slight unconscious concern in case we fall asleep and end up late to work or any of our obligations. And it's normal. However, there is a very simple guideline that we can establish in a few days, regardless of whether we leave our alarm scheduled with an alarm, for security (logically).

It consists of concentrating on the idea of ​​waking up at the time we must do it. If we do it well and repeat it for a few days, we are surely surprised before a week of being able to establish this pattern, in which we will wake up precisely a few minutes before our alarm sounds. In addition, carrying out this practice will increase our capacity to concentrate markedly, as well as the feeling of control over our lives. And will prevent us from waking up abruptly.

In any case, as for security we will leave our alarm on, we will try to make it reproduce a pleasant sound, that does not start our day in an agitated way.

Until we learn to appreciate our mornings properly (a habit that if we have willpower we should be able to establish in two weeks), it would also be advisable directly end up hating them).

Rituals to worship your mornings

Your breakfast, simply unique

The simplest things are always the best and those that really mark us. Ask yourself what your ideal breakfast is. A juice of newly squeezed oranges and grapefruits? Some toast of whole bread with avocado? Any walnuts? An energy green shake? Think about it, because surely you know, and give yourself that whim daily, trying to always be as healthy as possible. Do not deprive yourself of using the best ingredients. Take care and feel you are doing it.

Try to have all the ingredients ready for its elaboration, although it is part of the ritual, so that it is as simple as possible. If we are going to prepare a shake, let's have everything ready on a fridge shelf. If we like coffee with a certain milk or syrup, let's have it by hand next to the coffee maker.

Approach and integrate part of nature

It doesn't matter where you live, if in a small village or in the center of a large city. Here the excuses are not valid, so do everything possible and integrate the nature of nature in this daily routine. Do you have a garden, patio or a park near your home? Ded a few minutes of your morning to remain in contact with the trees, with plants or simply be on top of the grass. Try to breathe all the pure air you can. In addition this will be a perfect time to do some simple exercises or maybe to meditate.

Rituals to worship your mornings

Meditate, without complicating you

Meditating can change your life. It doesn't matter if you don't know where to start at first or that you think not to have enough time. He spends a few minutes a day to do it, without hurry, although you can only allow you for a moment. Leave your mind blank, even for a moment. It will help you relax, enjoy every moment and get to know you much better.

A little incense or some candles They can be the help we need to achieve that state and make that little moment charge the importance it deserves. If we establish this healthy habit, we will take the habit of carrying it out independently of these elements or if we are away from home.

Listen to classical music

To listen classical music Specifically, in the morning it has innumerable benefits, among which are to combat insomnia, stress and enhance our creativity. If we are also studying or doing some type of training, listening to it will be doubly recommended.

We trust that these little tips help you face your day from another perspective!

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