The first impression is extremely important. Did you know that our brain makes decisions about the first impression of something, taking less than seven seconds?
Sometimes we call it intuition, but the truth is that our unconscious attributes features based on small elements of signals received, which do not always have to keep a logical relationship.
We usually focus on this when we prepare for a job interview, to meet someone or if we want to cause a good impression. With the stays exactly the same.
Your work space or your home also produces first impressions that will intrinsically associate with you. A messy table, dirty crystals, careless plants ... all this gives a bad image and creates rejection. On the other hand, if we want to give a first positive impression, order and cleanliness are essential. But if we go further, there are other small guidelines that we can enhance.
Nail sofa covers, Smooth cushions or some velvet blankets Adequate, they invite rest, comfort, they are cozy and give a pleasant and friendly image.
An Multipurpose Plaid In bed without wrinkles, with cheerful or light colors, always depending on your style, give a touch of personality to the room.

Take care of your plants, and if for some reason they are artificial, choose of good quality. Plants that at first glance are perceived that they are plastic, generate more the sensation of low quality and little elegance.
A subtle detail but surely the most powerful of all, is the aroma. Certain aromas instantly transport you to a specific mood. Diffusers, scented candles And quality incentives will give a distinguished touch to your home and enhance your personal style.
Have the entrance always clear and tidy. Use a tray or remote to have everything by hand and give the feeling of order, with a pleasant light and smell. If it is a workplace you can adapt these details without overloading.
Some sweets in a small container, a well -lit mirror (people love to observe our own reflection, even if it is unconsciously, gives us security and feeling that there is nothing to hide), Pleasant hands soap In the bathroom next to hands available to the guest ... they are small details that will enhance our features and create a cozy atmosphere.
The most important thing in the first impressions is sincerity. Do not try to be someone you are not or appear something that does not happen naturally in your life. Because it is a first impression, if later in an environment of more confidence there is no certain coherence, that first impression will have served.
It's not about being impeccable, it's about improving what you want to convey with sincerity. If for example you have animals at home, it is natural that in your cushions and in your clothes there is some hair. Without becoming careless, it is not necessary to be unpolluted, it is part of your life and who wants to have a closer relationship with you, it is better to understand a first time. In the houses with young children something similar happens. A house with children that is impeccable does not really produce a good image, despite what could be thought. Children run, play, stain ... A house with children is a house alive. If there are no room toys or stories in unlikely corners, something fails. You can have order inside the chaos, but if children live in the house, you should not make any effort to hide it. They are part of our current context and in a way it gives a more expressive character to the house. Of course, toys in boxes, ordered on a shelf or in some chest, not on the ground or in mountains.
Explore, enhance the details and transmit your true essence. There will be who does not like it or does not arrive, but there will also be who falls in love with your authenticity.
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